Saturday, May 23, 2020
Emmeline Pankhurst Quotes British Suffrage Radical
Emmeline Pankhurst was the best known of the leaders of the more militant wing of the womens suffrage movement in Great Britain in the early 20th century. Selected Emmeline Pankhurst Quotations The argument of the broken pane of glass is the most valuable argument in modern politics.We have to free half of the human race, the women, so that they can help to free the other half.Deeds, not words, was to be our permanent motto.Trust in God: She will provide.As long as women consent to be unjustly governed, they will be; but directly women say: We withhold our consent, we will not be governed any longer as long as government is unjust.We are here, not because we are law-breakers; we are here in our efforts to become law-makers.The moving spirit of militancy is deep and abiding reverence for human life.You have to make more noise than anybody else, you have to make yourself more obtrusive than anybody else, you have to fill all the papers more than anybody else, in fact you have to be there all the time and see that they do not snow you under, if you are really going to get your reform realized.It always seems to me when the anti-suffrage members of the Government criticize mili tancy in women that it is very like beasts of prey reproaching gentler animals who turn in desperate resistance when at the point of death.I have seen that men are encouraged by law to take advantage of the helplessness of women. Many women have thought as I have, and for many, many years have tried, by that influence of which we have been so often reminded, to alter these laws, but we find that influence counts for nothing. When we went to the House of Commons we used to be told, when we were persistent, that members of Parliament were not responsible to women, they were responsible only to voters, and that their time was too fully occupied to reform those laws, although they agreed that they needed reforming.Governments have always tried to crush reform movements, to destroy ideas, to kill the thing that cannot die. Without regard to history, which shows that no Government have ever succeeded in doing this, they go on trying in the old, senseless way.I want to say to you who think women cannot succeed, we have brought the government of England to this position, that it has to face this alternative: either women are to be killed or women are to have the vote.There is something that Governments care for far more than human life, and that is the security of property, and so it is through property that we shall strike the enemy.Be militant in your own way! Those of you who can break windows, break them. Those of you who can still further attack the secret idol of so. And my last word is to the Government: I incite this meeting to rebellion. Take me if you dare!How different the reasoning is that men adopt when they are discussing the cases of men and those of women.Men make the moral code and they expect women to accept it. They have decided that it is entirely right and proper for men to fight for their liberties and their rights, but that it is not right and proper for women to fight for theirs.The militancy of men, through all the centuries, has drenched the world with blood, and for these deeds of horror and destruction men have been rewarded with monuments, with great songs and epics. The militancy of women has harmed no human life save the lives of those who fought the battle of righteousness. Time alone will reveal what reward will be allotted to women.What is the use of fighting for a vote if we have not got a country to vote in?Justice and judgment lie often a world apart.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
With the across the board of machine system,...
With the across the board of machine system, correspondence engineering and the web, E-Commerce, as a propelled transaction strategy, which is dependent upon the workstation system, is chic everywhere throughout the world. Store network administration under e-trade environment is a combo of e-business and production network administration. It concentrates on clients, incorporates entire the procedure of store network, makes full utilization of outer assets acknowledges quickly and sharp response, hugely lessens the level of stock. The advancement of e-business gives great circumstance to the execute of inventory network administration, and in the meantime, it additionally raises higher necessity, electronic store network administration†¦show more content†¦These systems, which use a mixing of people, skeletons and building, could be performed by the firm itself or as a group with external store system accessories. What is supply chain process? A Supply Chain Process involves distinctive Orders like Procurement Order, Manufacturing Order, Factory demand, Distribution Order, and Customer Orders. The essential concern of Supply Chain Management is the way and when and in what sum are these solicitations to be set by every substance of the creation system to his connecting component so as to perform the targets specified in the significance of Supply Chain Management. How can we manage the supply chain process? - Continuous Improvement decreased Supply Chain Process time. - Effective utilization of Inventory. - Recognizing time as a basis of competitive advantage. - Dealing with the entire inventory network as a solitary element. - Distinguishing end client administration prerequisites as a capacity of time, Quantity and spot What is the impact of this drawn out disgraceful Supply Chain Management Process? - Streamlined Supply Chain overall substance is not conceivable. - High Corrective liabilities - Overtime, Subcontracting Cost, Transportation Problems - Internationalization of the Supply Chain is not possible as the issues getShow MoreRelatedEthical Hacking And Information Security Essay2390 Words  | 10 PagesEthical Hacking and Information Security Merriam-Webster defines Hacker as, a person who secretly gets access to a computer system in order to get information, cause damage. But what if I told you that having a hacker is necessary? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marijuana Within Today’s Society Free Essays
There has been a long term controversy over the legalization of Marijuana in the United State. Some believe it should be legal in the United States because it could â€Å"create a source of additional tax revenues and police and courts would be freed up for more serious crimes†. Others believe it should be an illegal drug because of its health risks. We will write a custom essay sample on Marijuana Within Today’s Society or any similar topic only for you Order Now Marijuana should remain illegal in the United States as a schedule I controlled substance due to the many physical and psychological effects it has on it’s users as well as the harmful effects it has on today’s society.Marijuana acts on the brains reward system which governs the response to pleasurable things. Users of marijuana seek the euphoric feeling or â€Å"high†caused by the drug. THC enters the body and creates the high the marijuana user seeks by stimulating brain cells to release dopamine, which is a chemical found in the brain. Marijuana has many effects on the body, both short and long, though there is limited research on the long lasting effects of marijuana use. The acute effects present during intoxication may include but are not limited to impairments to the short memory, attention, judgment, coordination, balance and other cognitive functions.Smoking marijuana may also distort the user’s depth perception. The heart rate of a person during their intoxication increases as well as their blood pressure. Just seconds after inhaling marijuana smoke the persons bronchial passages enlarge and relax. Blood vessels in the eye expand which commonly makes the user’s eyes look red or bloodshot. Users begin to feel relaxed, have heightened sensory perception, and altered perception of time. A User may laugh and have an increase in appetite after smoking marijuana. Large doses of marijuana sometimes lead to acute psychosis including hallucinations, delusions or a loss of sense of personal identity. Some users may have psychotic episodes such as anxiety, fear, distrust, panic and paranoia. After the euphoric feeling subsides or fades the person may feel depressed or tired. There is limited knowledge or information on the long term effects of smoking marijuana. Some studies suggest that effects on the brain can build up and deteriorate critical life skills over time. Effects often are worse for people with mental disorders, or simply by virtue of the normal aging process.Schizophrenia like disorders have been associated with the use of marijuana in vulnerable individuals. Long term users may have sleep impairment or suffer from insomnia. Chronic abuse of marijuana increases the risk of chronic cough or bronchitis. Smoking Marijuana has the same, if not worse, respiratory problems as tobacco, such as frequent acute chest illness and a risk of lung infection. Using Marijuana has the potential to create cancer of the lungs and other parts of the reparatory tract because marijuana contains irritants and carcinogens up to 70% more than tobacco smoke.Some believe that marijuana may impair the ability to form new memories and focus which makes learning, doing complicated tasks, participating in athletics and driving difficult. The effects of marijuana use can last days or even weeks after the acute effects wear off, which mean a daily user is functioning at a reduced intellectual level most or all of the time. Contrary to popular belief marijuana is an addictive drug. The use of marijuana has many harmful effects to the users but it also affects others who do not participate in the use of marijuana.The World Health Organization ranks the United States first among 17 European and North America countries for prevalent use of marijuana. In 2008, 2. 2 million Americans used marijuana for the first time and greater than half were under the age of 18. Because marijuana affects brain systems that are still maturing through young adulthood, its use by teens may have a negative effect on their development. 42% of United States high school graduates have tired marijuana. Marijuana smoking students compared to non-marijuana smoking students tend to have lower grades and a higher dropout rate. It is easily assumed that while being under the influence of marijuana driving would become more difficult because of the loss of coordination, balance and the perception of depth. The National Highway Traffic Administration issued a report stating that 18% of motor vehicle driver’s deaths involved drugs other than alcohol. 6. 8% of drivers, mostly under the age of 35, involved in accidents tested positive for THC. There many questions about the use of marijuana while a woman is pregnant.Even low amounts of THC, when administered during the prenatal period, could have profound and long lasting consequences on the brain and behavior of the unborn child. Marijuana exposed children show gaps in problem solving, memory and ability to remain attentive in a classroom setting. Marijuana also affects places of employment. In a study among postal workers, employees who tested positive for marijuana on a pre-employment urine drug test had 55% more industrial accidents, 85% more injuries and a 75% increase in absenteeism compared to those who tested negative for marijuana.There is a higher job turn over rate for people who choose to use marijuana and be employed. Employees who use marijuana tend to have more absences, tardiness, accidents and worker compensation claims. Marijuana use has adverse physical, mental, emotional and behavior effects. It causes students to perform poorly in school. Marijuana use affects many of it’s users at their place of employment due to being absent and causing more accidents in the work place making it unsafe for others. Many children are born with defects and behavior problems due to the poor judgment of their mothers, who partook in the use of marijuana during the prenatal period. The roads in America are polluted with drivers under the influence of marijuana whose judgment and motor skills are impaired. Marijuana should remain illegal in the United States due to the harmful effects on its users as well as innocent bystanders. How to cite Marijuana Within Today’s Society, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Children and Young People Workforce
Question: Describe the existing relationships between your own setting and their partner organisations. Use this to illustrate the opportunities and challenges you face in meeting needs of children and young people (with reference to theory, policy and covering all learning outcomes? Answer: Introduction: This paper will discuss the effect of policy, legislation and initiative on the basis of workforce landscape which is known for challenging and changing the current work environment. Its intended to support the knowledge development and understanding the practices of the current work and common culture which delivers towards the integrated work sector. The outcomes which discussed here are the processes of safeguarding, risk management and the transition processes of the services. We will further focus on the policies and laws which are relevant to the children and young peoples workforce and will also discuss about the services and roles which everyone have to perform. The government perspective behind this workforce services, is to help the young children to reach their potential at the fullest, so that they could start representing the challenging aspects. Policy and law relevant to the children's and young people's workforce: The young people and children Right to Action has one of the fundamental principle, that is the, people working with young people and children must have appropriate set of skills, services and competences which can be used towards getting conventional right of childrens. This approach is reinforced under the concept of strong partnership in order to get better outcome and it come under the Children Act 2004. Under this Act, statutory framework has been provided to the agencies to take a joint approach to plan services, to make them as effective as possible. Under this law staff training is must and it is also the basic aspects of framework for making effective arrangements in order to safeguard and promote welfare of the children. This can be achieved by gathering the people from special services or from the multi-agency system which are based geographically (David Holman, 2003). In order to develop a strategy that cuts across traditional sectors and department nationally, it is impo rtant to examine policy across all departments of Government for any positive or negative impact on the strategy of children and young people workforce. Under the section 3 of Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 it has been constituted that, the workplace where the young people and children workforce is involved should have to provide intense care towards them. One member should be appointed to ensure that the people working under any organization are getting all safety measures and they should not be expose towards any type of risks. Along with proper quality of training and qualification requirements should be underpinned, suitable candidates should be carefully selected and commitment of people attending it to develop themselves. The work of the potential leaders and managers, which are working with young children and people should be taken into consideration including the volunteers, community and private sector (Tassoni, Beith, Bulman and Griffin, 2010) this will endeavour and encourage them . It is very much important when a child feel unsafe at the workplace, then it is the responsibility of others to understand his problem and further make him feel comfortable, so he feel safety around himself. Services and roles within the children's and young people's workforce: The one aspect which always comes along with young children or toddlers is that it is ponderous to provide them safe environment and protecting them from any significant harm (Lindon, 2008). For supporting inter-agency training, government has commissioned various centers of training. These training centers include safeguarding the children-a shared responsibility and it supports statutory guidance implementation. Out of all their main purpose is to prepare all staff for getting their responsibilities and roles. The framework, Every Child Matters provide guidance and reminds us that all those people which comes in contact with the children including their families during every day working schedule, also including the practitioner who obviously have specific role towards safeguarding children, also have the duty to promote children welfare (Walker, 2011). Hence the practitioners in early years are the most important adults that young children mostly come into contact with. They play an important role and can provide services in creating atmosphere which affect the childrens experience of being cared, listened and also get valued and guided. The best role played institutes are schools which probably play an important role towards childrens best interest and unfortunately sometimes neglecting their interest. The purpose behind the services and roles for the children and young peoples workforce is to help out the young people of the country reach their full potential, also make them capable to represent their challenging aspect (Axline, 1971). For finding the proper solutions on it government and mass media are debating and fixed this issue. The program Every Child Matters had been selected for showing effect and real benefits of it for entire community. It is also an important and integrated part of child care and also a protective law. Government and mass media both proposed these issues on grand level. The governments primary intention is acting towards the interest of children and young people. Hence they focus towards professionalizing the youth workforce. Safeguarding procedures and the management of risk: Everyone who works with children and young peoples workface must have safe hands while working with them and also have to aware about their responsibilities for the sake of safeguarding them and also make them understanding the their risk management and what to do about their concerns if any (Department of Health, 2003). The concerns were highlighted in the government report and the purpose of this guidance report is to make sure that all members of the workforce should know about their responsibilities regarding to childs welfare concern. It is very much vital that in order to safeguarding child from the situation where they are suspecting at risk of harm, everyone in workforce should understand their responsibilities. According to the Children Act 2004 of statutory guidance under section 11, it is law that staff training is must and it is also basic aspects of framework for making effective arrangements in order to safeguard and promote welfare of child. Single and multi-agency training is involved in it. It is the statutory responsibility of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) to ensure that in order to meet staff local needs, single agency and inter-agency training on safeguarding and promoting children welfare is provided. This has been achieved effectively if the board members of LSCBs take training responsibility of the skilled staff group in terms of promoting this development and training work. For supporting inter-agency training government has commissioned various resources of training which include safeguarding the children-a shared responsibility and it supports statutory guidance implementation and its purpose is to prepare all staff for getting their responsibilities and roles. The work published to increase staffs understanding about development of children and how to know that the child unable to get their developmental milestone is in the material named as Developing World of Child (2007). This knowledge initiates working with children and their families. If it has been noticed that children are facing significant harm then under section 47 of the Children Act 1989, the Local authority have can take action in order to secure and promote children welfare. Process of transition between services:- In order to determine people needs, providing early responses, required special skills at appropriate situations, are essential roles played by Universal services (Elliott and Kilpatrick, 2002). The universal service places such as schools, colleges, hospitals and youth clubs, identified members of workforce should be there, intended to perform specific responsibilities. Also to assess specific needs of children and young ones, the volunteers should have required skills and capacity. This can be achieved by gathering the people from special services or from the multi-agency system which are based geographically. As we take an example, in England, along with all children, the members of the children and young peoples workforce work for overall betterment of them. Many provide universal services such as educational and care support in early age of children, health care in the primary, maternity, accidental and emergency cases (Lindon, 2003). All people working in children and young people workforce, including the people working in voluntary sector should have to get access towards activities related to training and qualifications. Reference List: Holman, D. (2003), The new workplace: a guide to the human impact of modern working practices, 450 pages, page 219; Tassoni, P., Beith, K., Bulman, K., Griffin, S. (2010) Children and Young Peoples Workforce. Early Learning and childcare. Level 3 Diploma. Essex: Heinemann. Walker, M. (2011) Children and Young Peoples Workforce. Early Learning and Childcare. Level 3 Diploma. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Axline, V. (1971) Dibs, In Search of Self: Personality Development in Play Therapy. Penguin. Department of Health (2003) What To Do If Youre Worried A Child Is Being Abused. DH. Elliott, M. and Kilpatrick, J. (2002) How to stop bullying: a Kidscape training guide. Kidscape. Lindon, J. (2003) Child Protection. 2nd Edition. Hodder Stoughton. Lindon, J. (2008) Safeguarding Children and Young People: Child Protection 0- 18Years. 3rd Edition. Hodder Education.
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