Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Gettysburg :: essays research papers
Gettysburg is the bloodiest fight on U.S. soil. It began when Vicksburg was under attack by General Grant. General Lee idea that he would drive them out by attacking the North. There plan was to initially attack Harrisonburg, however Lee at that point saw that Gettysburg was an extraordinary spot, since all the streets lead into it and it is simpler to accumulate his military.  â â â â      Stuart was accountable for the South Calvary, which is responsible for monitoring the situation of the North’s armed force, however he was of causing destruction in some northern towns. Considering Stuarts vanishing General Longstreet Hired a southern on-screen character named Harrison to keep an eye on the north. With his data the chose to move towards Gettysburg.      While this is going on the Northern armed force was toward the north of Gettysburg and Buford, who is accountable for the Northern Calvary Division, saw what the South was doing.      On the primary day of fight three southern divisions were walking in the middle of Seminary Ridge and Gettysburg. Buford realizing that he have to guard the high ground he sent Develin to set up a blockade one road and Gamble to blockade the other. As the three Southern divisions proceeded onward Heath imagined that Devilin’s blockade was comprised of nearby volunteer army and he chose to assault. To Heaths alarm it was un mounted Calvary that were there to protect and to ensure that the south didn’t move into Corps Hill or Cemetery Ridge. Develin and Gamble held them off long enough. The south at that point settles in to Seminary Ridge. Ewell was advised by Lee to take the corps slope however he doesn’t. That was the finish of the principal day of fight. The south thought of it as a triumph despite the fact that nothing came out of the principal day.      During the primary day the twentieth Maine under the order of Cornel Chamberlain was given men who would not battle. They were additionally informed that they were to walk towards Gettysburg and to be prepared to battle. As they walk everything except six of the new folks concluded that they would battle.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Contextual investigation Example The complete quantities of the stores that it can recoup are evaluated to be at 300 and 7,000,000 tons of oil and the flammable gas was gauges are around 400 and eight five billions cubic meters (Exxon Neftegas Limited). The execution and improvement of this undertaking have been roused with the application and utilization of advance development techniques and advances. Besides, the utilization of such advances and development techniques have prompted diminished expense of activity for the general venture improvement and too prompted limited negative natural effects. Moreover, the undertaking has figured out how to defeat the majority of its specialized and ecological difficulties; therefore, meeting its set objectives and destinations through use of the recently presented innovations. Besides, the submitted supervisory group has fruitful changed the project’s objectives and target into the accomplishment of the venture through their submitted accommodation to the undertaking. Notwithstanding, the task has been confronted with various difficulties including complex administrative guidelines, restricted foundation, troublesome coordinations, and untalented work. Regardless, the administration a ppropriate utilization of its effective plans particularly along the new innovations has prompted fruitful finishing of the project’s first stage (Exxon Neftegas Limited). The Sakhalin venture is one of the biggest remote direct speculations that are found in Russia. It had the goal of satisfying the ever-developing vitality requests in Russia and different pieces of the world. The task figured out how to satisfy this goal or its point since it creates and flexibly vitality for both household utilization in Russia and sending out a portion of its vitality to upper east Asia. Additionally, it helped Russia to solidify its vital position with respect to the flexibly of vitality in different pieces of the world. As such, the venture made Russia to be a world vitality provider and be
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Macarrones con Queso, Tocino y Jalapeño para los Indigentes
Macarrones con Queso, Tocino y Jalapeño para los Indigentes Si usted leyó mi blog anterior, sabe que he tenido un Octubre muy duro. Sin embargo, la efusión de las respuestas de estudiantes de escuela secundaria y universitaria que comparten historias similares a la mÃa, me ayudó a darme cuenta de lo que todos estamos luchando. Pero lo más importante, que estamos aquà el uno para el otro. Bueno, decidà que, independientemente de la lucha diaria de MIT, querÃa tomar tiempo de mi dÃa para hacer algo más significativo y más grande que yo. Lo que me sorprendió fue cómo muchas otras personas estaban dispuestas a hacer lo mismo. Hace aproximadamente un mes, mientras navega por Internet, me encontré con la estadÃstica de que 49 millones de estadounidenses luchan diariamente para poner comida en la mesa, y me dije a mà mismo: Vamos a hacer algo al respecto. HOY. Asà que me reunà con mi amigo de la universidad Bentley y comenzamos una campaña de Indiegogo para alimentar a 100 personas sin hogar en Boston este DÃa de Acción de Gracias. Nos asociamos con un refugio para donar las ganancias y en menos de dos semanas, suficientes estudiantes de Bentley y MIT donaron tanto que llegamos a nuestra meta. Pero no habÃamos terminamos de mostrar a todos lo que nosotros los estudiantes somos capaces de alcanzar. Un nuevo refugio dirigido por estudiantes de Harvard acaba de abrir, se llama Y2Y Harvard Square. Queriamos darle a esos 30 jóvenes sin hogar ropa que les abrigara este próximo invierno. Asà que ampliamos nuestra campaña. Muy pronto, la compañÃa Strideline se unió a nuestra misión como nuestro patrocinador nacional y donó un par de calcetines y guantes para el nuevo refugio por cada par comprado a través de nuestra campaña. Hemos adquirido lo suficiente para 30 pares de calcetines y 30 guantes. Luego, recolectamos suficiente dinero para proporcionar 30 gorras de invierno también. No mucho tiempo después, las compañÃa de Tarjetas Lovepop, Revolution of Hope, la Orquesta Juvenil de Roxbury, y Tech 101 4 Kids donaron a nuestra causa. La compañÃa Oros se ha unido a nuestra misión ydonará 30 chaquetas si llegamos a $ 3.000. Hemos recaudado $ 2.733 en menos de un mes. Eso se logra cuando los estudiantes se unen y contribuyen. . Es una locura ver a gente que nunca habÃa conocido antes, venir y unirse a nuestra campaña para alimentar y vestir a las personas sin hogar. Incluso los estudiantes que tienen un presupuesto limitado nos están apoyando. A través de esta campaña de dar y compartir con el necesitado, estamos cambiando la forma de pensar acerca de la falta de vivienda y el hambre para siempre. Estos conocidos blogs han hablado de nuestra campaña HerCampus, the Odyssey, y el blog de Polly Mcgee. Juntos podemos cambiar el mundo.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Emmeline Pankhurst Quotes British Suffrage Radical
Emmeline Pankhurst was the best known of the leaders of the more militant wing of the womens suffrage movement in Great Britain in the early 20th century. Selected Emmeline Pankhurst Quotations The argument of the broken pane of glass is the most valuable argument in modern politics.We have to free half of the human race, the women, so that they can help to free the other half.Deeds, not words, was to be our permanent motto.Trust in God: She will provide.As long as women consent to be unjustly governed, they will be; but directly women say: We withhold our consent, we will not be governed any longer as long as government is unjust.We are here, not because we are law-breakers; we are here in our efforts to become law-makers.The moving spirit of militancy is deep and abiding reverence for human life.You have to make more noise than anybody else, you have to make yourself more obtrusive than anybody else, you have to fill all the papers more than anybody else, in fact you have to be there all the time and see that they do not snow you under, if you are really going to get your reform realized.It always seems to me when the anti-suffrage members of the Government criticize mili tancy in women that it is very like beasts of prey reproaching gentler animals who turn in desperate resistance when at the point of death.I have seen that men are encouraged by law to take advantage of the helplessness of women. Many women have thought as I have, and for many, many years have tried, by that influence of which we have been so often reminded, to alter these laws, but we find that influence counts for nothing. When we went to the House of Commons we used to be told, when we were persistent, that members of Parliament were not responsible to women, they were responsible only to voters, and that their time was too fully occupied to reform those laws, although they agreed that they needed reforming.Governments have always tried to crush reform movements, to destroy ideas, to kill the thing that cannot die. Without regard to history, which shows that no Government have ever succeeded in doing this, they go on trying in the old, senseless way.I want to say to you who think women cannot succeed, we have brought the government of England to this position, that it has to face this alternative: either women are to be killed or women are to have the vote.There is something that Governments care for far more than human life, and that is the security of property, and so it is through property that we shall strike the enemy.Be militant in your own way! Those of you who can break windows, break them. Those of you who can still further attack the secret idol of so. And my last word is to the Government: I incite this meeting to rebellion. Take me if you dare!How different the reasoning is that men adopt when they are discussing the cases of men and those of women.Men make the moral code and they expect women to accept it. They have decided that it is entirely right and proper for men to fight for their liberties and their rights, but that it is not right and proper for women to fight for theirs.The militancy of men, through all the centuries, has drenched the world with blood, and for these deeds of horror and destruction men have been rewarded with monuments, with great songs and epics. The militancy of women has harmed no human life save the lives of those who fought the battle of righteousness. Time alone will reveal what reward will be allotted to women.What is the use of fighting for a vote if we have not got a country to vote in?Justice and judgment lie often a world apart.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
With the across the board of machine system,...
With the across the board of machine system, correspondence engineering and the web, E-Commerce, as a propelled transaction strategy, which is dependent upon the workstation system, is chic everywhere throughout the world. Store network administration under e-trade environment is a combo of e-business and production network administration. It concentrates on clients, incorporates entire the procedure of store network, makes full utilization of outer assets acknowledges quickly and sharp response, hugely lessens the level of stock. The advancement of e-business gives great circumstance to the execute of inventory network administration, and in the meantime, it additionally raises higher necessity, electronic store network administration†¦show more content†¦These systems, which use a mixing of people, skeletons and building, could be performed by the firm itself or as a group with external store system accessories. What is supply chain process? A Supply Chain Process involves distinctive Orders like Procurement Order, Manufacturing Order, Factory demand, Distribution Order, and Customer Orders. The essential concern of Supply Chain Management is the way and when and in what sum are these solicitations to be set by every substance of the creation system to his connecting component so as to perform the targets specified in the significance of Supply Chain Management. How can we manage the supply chain process? - Continuous Improvement decreased Supply Chain Process time. - Effective utilization of Inventory. - Recognizing time as a basis of competitive advantage. - Dealing with the entire inventory network as a solitary element. - Distinguishing end client administration prerequisites as a capacity of time, Quantity and spot What is the impact of this drawn out disgraceful Supply Chain Management Process? - Streamlined Supply Chain overall substance is not conceivable. - High Corrective liabilities - Overtime, Subcontracting Cost, Transportation Problems - Internationalization of the Supply Chain is not possible as the issues getShow MoreRelatedEthical Hacking And Information Security Essay2390 Words  | 10 PagesEthical Hacking and Information Security Merriam-Webster defines Hacker as, a person who secretly gets access to a computer system in order to get information, cause damage. But what if I told you that having a hacker is necessary? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marijuana Within Today’s Society Free Essays
There has been a long term controversy over the legalization of Marijuana in the United State. Some believe it should be legal in the United States because it could â€Å"create a source of additional tax revenues and police and courts would be freed up for more serious crimes†. Others believe it should be an illegal drug because of its health risks. We will write a custom essay sample on Marijuana Within Today’s Society or any similar topic only for you Order Now Marijuana should remain illegal in the United States as a schedule I controlled substance due to the many physical and psychological effects it has on it’s users as well as the harmful effects it has on today’s society.Marijuana acts on the brains reward system which governs the response to pleasurable things. Users of marijuana seek the euphoric feeling or â€Å"high†caused by the drug. THC enters the body and creates the high the marijuana user seeks by stimulating brain cells to release dopamine, which is a chemical found in the brain. Marijuana has many effects on the body, both short and long, though there is limited research on the long lasting effects of marijuana use. The acute effects present during intoxication may include but are not limited to impairments to the short memory, attention, judgment, coordination, balance and other cognitive functions.Smoking marijuana may also distort the user’s depth perception. The heart rate of a person during their intoxication increases as well as their blood pressure. Just seconds after inhaling marijuana smoke the persons bronchial passages enlarge and relax. Blood vessels in the eye expand which commonly makes the user’s eyes look red or bloodshot. Users begin to feel relaxed, have heightened sensory perception, and altered perception of time. A User may laugh and have an increase in appetite after smoking marijuana. Large doses of marijuana sometimes lead to acute psychosis including hallucinations, delusions or a loss of sense of personal identity. Some users may have psychotic episodes such as anxiety, fear, distrust, panic and paranoia. After the euphoric feeling subsides or fades the person may feel depressed or tired. There is limited knowledge or information on the long term effects of smoking marijuana. Some studies suggest that effects on the brain can build up and deteriorate critical life skills over time. Effects often are worse for people with mental disorders, or simply by virtue of the normal aging process.Schizophrenia like disorders have been associated with the use of marijuana in vulnerable individuals. Long term users may have sleep impairment or suffer from insomnia. Chronic abuse of marijuana increases the risk of chronic cough or bronchitis. Smoking Marijuana has the same, if not worse, respiratory problems as tobacco, such as frequent acute chest illness and a risk of lung infection. Using Marijuana has the potential to create cancer of the lungs and other parts of the reparatory tract because marijuana contains irritants and carcinogens up to 70% more than tobacco smoke.Some believe that marijuana may impair the ability to form new memories and focus which makes learning, doing complicated tasks, participating in athletics and driving difficult. The effects of marijuana use can last days or even weeks after the acute effects wear off, which mean a daily user is functioning at a reduced intellectual level most or all of the time. Contrary to popular belief marijuana is an addictive drug. The use of marijuana has many harmful effects to the users but it also affects others who do not participate in the use of marijuana.The World Health Organization ranks the United States first among 17 European and North America countries for prevalent use of marijuana. In 2008, 2. 2 million Americans used marijuana for the first time and greater than half were under the age of 18. Because marijuana affects brain systems that are still maturing through young adulthood, its use by teens may have a negative effect on their development. 42% of United States high school graduates have tired marijuana. Marijuana smoking students compared to non-marijuana smoking students tend to have lower grades and a higher dropout rate. It is easily assumed that while being under the influence of marijuana driving would become more difficult because of the loss of coordination, balance and the perception of depth. The National Highway Traffic Administration issued a report stating that 18% of motor vehicle driver’s deaths involved drugs other than alcohol. 6. 8% of drivers, mostly under the age of 35, involved in accidents tested positive for THC. There many questions about the use of marijuana while a woman is pregnant.Even low amounts of THC, when administered during the prenatal period, could have profound and long lasting consequences on the brain and behavior of the unborn child. Marijuana exposed children show gaps in problem solving, memory and ability to remain attentive in a classroom setting. Marijuana also affects places of employment. In a study among postal workers, employees who tested positive for marijuana on a pre-employment urine drug test had 55% more industrial accidents, 85% more injuries and a 75% increase in absenteeism compared to those who tested negative for marijuana.There is a higher job turn over rate for people who choose to use marijuana and be employed. Employees who use marijuana tend to have more absences, tardiness, accidents and worker compensation claims. Marijuana use has adverse physical, mental, emotional and behavior effects. It causes students to perform poorly in school. Marijuana use affects many of it’s users at their place of employment due to being absent and causing more accidents in the work place making it unsafe for others. Many children are born with defects and behavior problems due to the poor judgment of their mothers, who partook in the use of marijuana during the prenatal period. The roads in America are polluted with drivers under the influence of marijuana whose judgment and motor skills are impaired. Marijuana should remain illegal in the United States due to the harmful effects on its users as well as innocent bystanders. How to cite Marijuana Within Today’s Society, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Children and Young People Workforce
Question: Describe the existing relationships between your own setting and their partner organisations. Use this to illustrate the opportunities and challenges you face in meeting needs of children and young people (with reference to theory, policy and covering all learning outcomes? Answer: Introduction: This paper will discuss the effect of policy, legislation and initiative on the basis of workforce landscape which is known for challenging and changing the current work environment. Its intended to support the knowledge development and understanding the practices of the current work and common culture which delivers towards the integrated work sector. The outcomes which discussed here are the processes of safeguarding, risk management and the transition processes of the services. We will further focus on the policies and laws which are relevant to the children and young peoples workforce and will also discuss about the services and roles which everyone have to perform. The government perspective behind this workforce services, is to help the young children to reach their potential at the fullest, so that they could start representing the challenging aspects. Policy and law relevant to the children's and young people's workforce: The young people and children Right to Action has one of the fundamental principle, that is the, people working with young people and children must have appropriate set of skills, services and competences which can be used towards getting conventional right of childrens. This approach is reinforced under the concept of strong partnership in order to get better outcome and it come under the Children Act 2004. Under this Act, statutory framework has been provided to the agencies to take a joint approach to plan services, to make them as effective as possible. Under this law staff training is must and it is also the basic aspects of framework for making effective arrangements in order to safeguard and promote welfare of the children. This can be achieved by gathering the people from special services or from the multi-agency system which are based geographically (David Holman, 2003). In order to develop a strategy that cuts across traditional sectors and department nationally, it is impo rtant to examine policy across all departments of Government for any positive or negative impact on the strategy of children and young people workforce. Under the section 3 of Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 it has been constituted that, the workplace where the young people and children workforce is involved should have to provide intense care towards them. One member should be appointed to ensure that the people working under any organization are getting all safety measures and they should not be expose towards any type of risks. Along with proper quality of training and qualification requirements should be underpinned, suitable candidates should be carefully selected and commitment of people attending it to develop themselves. The work of the potential leaders and managers, which are working with young children and people should be taken into consideration including the volunteers, community and private sector (Tassoni, Beith, Bulman and Griffin, 2010) this will endeavour and encourage them . It is very much important when a child feel unsafe at the workplace, then it is the responsibility of others to understand his problem and further make him feel comfortable, so he feel safety around himself. Services and roles within the children's and young people's workforce: The one aspect which always comes along with young children or toddlers is that it is ponderous to provide them safe environment and protecting them from any significant harm (Lindon, 2008). For supporting inter-agency training, government has commissioned various centers of training. These training centers include safeguarding the children-a shared responsibility and it supports statutory guidance implementation. Out of all their main purpose is to prepare all staff for getting their responsibilities and roles. The framework, Every Child Matters provide guidance and reminds us that all those people which comes in contact with the children including their families during every day working schedule, also including the practitioner who obviously have specific role towards safeguarding children, also have the duty to promote children welfare (Walker, 2011). Hence the practitioners in early years are the most important adults that young children mostly come into contact with. They play an important role and can provide services in creating atmosphere which affect the childrens experience of being cared, listened and also get valued and guided. The best role played institutes are schools which probably play an important role towards childrens best interest and unfortunately sometimes neglecting their interest. The purpose behind the services and roles for the children and young peoples workforce is to help out the young people of the country reach their full potential, also make them capable to represent their challenging aspect (Axline, 1971). For finding the proper solutions on it government and mass media are debating and fixed this issue. The program Every Child Matters had been selected for showing effect and real benefits of it for entire community. It is also an important and integrated part of child care and also a protective law. Government and mass media both proposed these issues on grand level. The governments primary intention is acting towards the interest of children and young people. Hence they focus towards professionalizing the youth workforce. Safeguarding procedures and the management of risk: Everyone who works with children and young peoples workface must have safe hands while working with them and also have to aware about their responsibilities for the sake of safeguarding them and also make them understanding the their risk management and what to do about their concerns if any (Department of Health, 2003). The concerns were highlighted in the government report and the purpose of this guidance report is to make sure that all members of the workforce should know about their responsibilities regarding to childs welfare concern. It is very much vital that in order to safeguarding child from the situation where they are suspecting at risk of harm, everyone in workforce should understand their responsibilities. According to the Children Act 2004 of statutory guidance under section 11, it is law that staff training is must and it is also basic aspects of framework for making effective arrangements in order to safeguard and promote welfare of child. Single and multi-agency training is involved in it. It is the statutory responsibility of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) to ensure that in order to meet staff local needs, single agency and inter-agency training on safeguarding and promoting children welfare is provided. This has been achieved effectively if the board members of LSCBs take training responsibility of the skilled staff group in terms of promoting this development and training work. For supporting inter-agency training government has commissioned various resources of training which include safeguarding the children-a shared responsibility and it supports statutory guidance implementation and its purpose is to prepare all staff for getting their responsibilities and roles. The work published to increase staffs understanding about development of children and how to know that the child unable to get their developmental milestone is in the material named as Developing World of Child (2007). This knowledge initiates working with children and their families. If it has been noticed that children are facing significant harm then under section 47 of the Children Act 1989, the Local authority have can take action in order to secure and promote children welfare. Process of transition between services:- In order to determine people needs, providing early responses, required special skills at appropriate situations, are essential roles played by Universal services (Elliott and Kilpatrick, 2002). The universal service places such as schools, colleges, hospitals and youth clubs, identified members of workforce should be there, intended to perform specific responsibilities. Also to assess specific needs of children and young ones, the volunteers should have required skills and capacity. This can be achieved by gathering the people from special services or from the multi-agency system which are based geographically. As we take an example, in England, along with all children, the members of the children and young peoples workforce work for overall betterment of them. Many provide universal services such as educational and care support in early age of children, health care in the primary, maternity, accidental and emergency cases (Lindon, 2003). All people working in children and young people workforce, including the people working in voluntary sector should have to get access towards activities related to training and qualifications. Reference List: Holman, D. (2003), The new workplace: a guide to the human impact of modern working practices, 450 pages, page 219; Tassoni, P., Beith, K., Bulman, K., Griffin, S. (2010) Children and Young Peoples Workforce. Early Learning and childcare. Level 3 Diploma. Essex: Heinemann. Walker, M. (2011) Children and Young Peoples Workforce. Early Learning and Childcare. Level 3 Diploma. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Axline, V. (1971) Dibs, In Search of Self: Personality Development in Play Therapy. Penguin. Department of Health (2003) What To Do If Youre Worried A Child Is Being Abused. DH. Elliott, M. and Kilpatrick, J. (2002) How to stop bullying: a Kidscape training guide. Kidscape. Lindon, J. (2003) Child Protection. 2nd Edition. Hodder Stoughton. Lindon, J. (2008) Safeguarding Children and Young People: Child Protection 0- 18Years. 3rd Edition. Hodder Education.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Sonny With A Chance soundtrack by various artists free essay sample
â€Å"For the first time ever Sonny Sings!†Who remembers this announcement for the promotion of the special, â€Å"Sonny with a Song†? It was the first time, excluding the theme song, â€Å"So Far, So Great†, that Demi Lovato’s character, Sonny Munroe, sings. It was also the time that Walt Disney Records announced that they would be releasing the first ever Sonny with a Chance soundtrack. Well, here it is! Featuring songs by three of the series stars and a song by the band Allstar Weekend, this soundtrack showcases a myriad of sounds and flavors: from the pop style of â€Å"Come Down with Love†(Allstar Weekend), the acoustic soul of â€Å"What to Do†(Demi Lovato) and the classic Disney feel of â€Å"Kiss Me†and â€Å"Feels Like Love†(Tiffany Thorton) to the almost boy-band, Joe-Jonas-meets-‘NSync style of Sterling Knight’s â€Å"Hanging†and â€Å"How We Do This†, this soundtrack is sure to be a fan favorite for a long while (even though I fear it’s lacking having only nine tracks). We will write a custom essay sample on Sonny With A Chance soundtrack by various artists or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I find the soundtrack lacking in another aspect also. While Demi Lovato, Sterling Knight (Chad Dylan Cooper) and Tiffany Thorton (Tawny Hart) contribute their voices to eight out of the nine tracks, I’m left wanting seeing as how rapper Brandon Michael Smith didn’t contribute any songs (oppose to contributing two tracks on the Starstruck soundtrack) and songs such as â€Å"High School Miserable†, â€Å"Make Babies Cry†and Sonny It Up didn’t find their way onto the track listing. Only two songs (excluding the theme) to date have been featured in the series (â€Å"Me, Myself and Time†-â€Å"Sonny with a Song†, â€Å"Work of Art†-â€Å"A So Random Halloween Special†). I’m hoping for a second soundtrack to be released featuring songs from the So Random sketches and possibly more contributed from other cast members. But dont get me wrong, anytime you buy an album or soundtrack with less than eleven tracks, you can find something wrong with it. This soundtrack is still fun and entertaining and while the songs are not â€Å"so random†or as silly as the show itself, it’s still a great buy.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Cohabitation in the US Essays
Cohabitation in the US Essays Cohabitation in the US Paper Cohabitation in the US Paper Essay Topic: In the Us â€Å"Cohabitation†means two people of the opposite sex living together before marriage. Today, about four million couples live together before marriage, although their future will most likely be in danger. Most couples cohabit to save money, to test run a marriage, or to stave off loneliness. The United States Bureau Census has found that cohabitors are 80 percent more likely to become divorced than those who do not live together before marriage. Of this 80 percent, 40 percent break up before marriage and 40 percent divorce within ten years. The responsibility of commitment to a partner, excluding sexual contact, may be lower of cohabitors after marriage. Forste and Tanfer in 1996 said that women cohabitors are 3.3 times more likely to have a second sex partner following marriage than non-cohabitors. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, cohabiting women have a depression rate three times higher than non-cohabiting women. These women also become more irritable, anxious, worried, and unhappy. Becoming a cohabitor is not always the safest road to take. The United States Justice Department says that women living in cohabitation are sixty-two times more likely to experience assault by a live-in boyfriend. In addition, 25 percent of single women suffer from neurotic disorders; whereas only 15 percent of married women suffer from these disorders. According to the United States Bureau Census, four out of every ten cohabiting couples have children present. Of these children, only 40 percent will see their parents marry. Children need the love and care of real parents because unstable and broken relationships may traumatize children for life. Supporters of cohabiting couples argue that living together before marriage is a test to see how compatible the couple may be. After all, most people would not buy a pair of shoes without trying them on first. Of the 50 to 80 percent of cohabiting couples in first world countries, 76 percent of them plan to marry, but a lower percentage actually does, according to Brown and Booth. Many say that a cohabiting couple would have more money because the couple and not the individual pay the payments, but according to Kerby Anderson of Probe Ministries, cohabiting couples are often more financially unstable than married couples. Whatever the reasons for cohabiting, these statistics document the dangers for anyone contemplating cohabitation. Couples who live together are more likely to divorce and not as happy as those who do not. Children will have the greatest impact on the future. Living in an environment of a cohabiting couple the child may not receive the love and care that is needed. Although it seems to be the â€Å"right†thing to do, living together before marriage is not always good for couples.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
China is more important to the USA's national interest than Taiwan Research Paper
China is more important to the USA's national interest than Taiwan - Research Paper Example It was able to make Wake Island to be its territory in 1900 and soon started to build the Panama Canal. All these were aided by Taiwan and the navy of the US continued to expand to a state whereby by the end of the Second World War, no nation would compare or compete with the navy. Taiwan has also aided in the building of the economic relations in the United States. Despite this however, China is considered to be more important than Taiwan and has been regarded to as an obstacle to building of the relationship between China and the United States (Copper, 2011). The first reason that supports the argument of China being more important to interest of the United States than Taiwan emanates from the fact that China has maintained a steady increase in the political as well as the economic growth. This has increased the political and economic influence that it has on the other nations. China has been rated as being the third largest exporting and importing country in the global market at the beginning of twenty first century and the fourth largest in the economic rating. It therefore comes after United States, Japan and Germany. It is also among the top three states that are highly involved in foreign direct investment in the global market. It has also acquired more benefits from globalization than any other country in the world and this is evidenced by the share of the market it has in the global market. Its annual growth for exports averaged 4.5 percent while the country that followed attained only 1.8 percent and this was the United States. T he Gross Domestic Product of China has also been observed to grow at a higher rate compared to the other developing countries. China has focused on ways of improving its performance in the global market and in this respect has considered the importance of liberalization and has encouraged economic integration by focusing on the involving the private and public investments. It has improved its
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Inventor Nikola Tesla Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inventor Nikola Tesla - Essay Example Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia in 1856 to an orthodox Serbian family. His father was a clergyman. After his initial education at Croatia, he studied at the Polytechnic School at Austria and at the University of Prague. After immigrating to the USA in 1884, he was employed briefly by Thomas Edison at the Edison Machine Works, New Jersey. He left the job to fully devote his time for research works and inventions. He became a naturalized American citizen in 1891 and spent the creative period of his life at Manhattan where he died in 1943. He suffered bankruptcy and died destitute. Tesla did most of his experiments at his laboratory in New York City. The patent right of his system of getting electric power from AC was purchased by George Westinghouse, an American inventor. Of this inventive genius, John J. O'Neill says "This spark of intellectual incandescence, in the form of a rare creative genius, shot like a meteor into the midst of human society". Mechanical engineer by training, most of his inventions related to electrical field. The world believed that Marconi was the inventor of radio till the US Supreme Court resolved the dispute in favor of Tesla in 1944 after his death.
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Concept Of Charity In Islam Religion Essay
The Concept Of Charity In Islam Religion Essay The paper which I am going to right is about Islamic concept of charity. The concept is not new for so many people because every religion of the world preached that charity is a way of bringing justice to society. But here I would like to explain different forms of charity in Islam, their differences and its impact on society. Charity is for those in need. This is general principle which enjoins us to help people in need, be they good or bad, on the right path or not, Muslims or non-Muslims. No one should judge in these matters. The foremost ends in charity should be Gods pleasure and our own spiritual good. The concept of charity in Islam is thus linked with justice. It is not limited to the redressed of grievances. It implies apart from the removal of handicaps, the recognition of the right that every human being has to attain the fullness of life. The definition of charity in Islamic tradition differs somewhat from its interpretation in other contexts. The Quran states: And be steadfast in your prayer and pay charity; whatever good you send forth for your future, you shall find it with Allah, for Allah is well aware of what you do . Charity is central to a Muslims life. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said No wealth (of a servant of Allah) is decreased because of charity. There are misconceptions by some people regarding Islamic concept of Charity. They think that Islam is taking Charity by force in the name of Zakat. But this is not reality. Islam does not force anyone to give charity. This is third pillar of Islam and its reward will be given in after world. The following five words are the most frequently used words to describe charity in the Noble Quran: 1. Infaq fi Sabil Allah (spending in the path of Allah).  Infaq Meaning spending benevolently 2. Ihsan Meaning the doing of good or (kindness and consideration) 3. Zakah  Meaning growth or purification 4. Sadaqah Derived from the root sidq and meaning truth, and comes to signify charitable deed 5. Khayrat Meaning good deeds Here two basic concepts will be explained that is Zakat and Sadaqah where Zakat is obligatory charity and Sadaqah is voluntarily Charity. DEFINITION AND IMPLICATION OF ZAKAT (ALMS GIVING) Zakat, is derived from the verb zaka, (which means to thrive, to be wholesome,[to be pure) and signifies purification. The Noble Quran referring to the purification of wealth states: Of their wealth take alms to purify and sanctify them ZakÄ t or alms giving, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is the giving of a small percentage of ones possessions (surplus wealth) to charity, generally to the poor and needy. It is often compared to the system of tithing and alms, but it serves principally as the welfare contribution to poor and deprived Muslims, although others may have a rightful share. It is the duty of an Islamic community not just to collect zakat but to distribute it fairly as well. Zakat is a multi facial concept. In one form it is an act of worship while in other form it is the carrying out of social service. It is thus not just the payment of a tax as it is generally understood but is rather an act of religious significance. Muslims fulfil this religious obligation by giving a fixed percentage of their surplus wealth. Zakat has been paired with such a high sense of righteousness that it is often placed on the same level of importance as offering Salat. Muslims see this process also as a way of purifying themselves from their greed and selfishness and also safeguarding future business. In addition, Zakat purifies the person who receives it because it saves him from the humiliation of begging and prevents him from envying the rich. Its importance and centrality to Islam results in the punishment for not paying when able are very severe. Muslim jurists agree that zakat is obligatory on the Muslim who has reached puberty, who is sane, who is free, and who owns the minimum assigned nisab throughout Islamic history; denying Zakat equals denying the Islamic faith. However, Muslim jurists differ on the details of zakat, which may include rate, the exemptions, and the kinds of wealth that are zakatable. Zakatable refers to assets subject to zakat according to Islamic examples and directives. Some scholars consider the wealth of children and insane individuals zakatable. Some scholars consider all agricultural products zakatable; others restrict zakat to specific kinds only. Some consider debts zakatable. Similar differences exist for business assets and womens jewellery. Some require certain minimum nisab for zakatability. THE PAYMENT OF ZAKAT Zakat is obligatory on every sane adult Muslim who is malik al-nisab, i.e., who possesses wealth equivalent to the monetary value of 20 Dinar of gold or 200 Dirham of silver. In the case of Muslims below the age of puberty and those Muslims who are insane, Zakat is obligatory on their wealth and their guardians are entrusted to pay it on their behalf. The law stipulates that once a year (after the completion of one lunar year) Zakat must be calculated and 2.5% is to be deducted from a malik al-nisabs wealth (cash, savings, investments, gold and silver) and donated as Zakat. ZAKAT AS AN ACT OF WORSHIP Zakat is in spirit an act of worship and in its external form the discharging of a social service. It is, therefore, not a levy or a tax, but is rather an act of worship. That is why the Noble Quran often mentions the observance of Salah alongside the giving of Zakat: ÙˆÙÅ ½ÃƒËœÃ‚ £Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ ÙÅ Ù†¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ ÙˆØÙ’ ØلؠµÃƒâ„¢Ã… ½Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒËœÃƒâ„¢Ã… ½ÃƒËœÃ‚ ©Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½ ÙˆÙÅ ½ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¢ÃƒËœÃ‚ ªÃƒâ„¢Ã‚ ÙˆØÙ’ Øلؠ²Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒâ„¢Ã†â€™Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½ÃƒËœÃƒËœÃ‚ ©Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½ ÙˆÙÅ ½Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½ÃƒËœ Ø ªÃƒâ„¢Ã‚ Ù‚ÙÅ ½ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¯Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ ّن¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ ÙˆØÙ’ لؠ£Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ٠٠ؠ³Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ ك٠ن¦ Ù†¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ ّنْ Ø ®Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ْؠ±Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ Ø ªÃƒâ„¢Ã… ½ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¬Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ Ø ¯Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ ون¡Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ Ø ¹Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ نؠ¯Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½ ØللّÙ†¡Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ Ø ¥Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ Ù†ÙÅ ½Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ ØللّÙ†¡Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½ Ø ¨Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ Ù†¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½ÃƒËœ Ø ªÃƒâ„¢Ã… ½ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¹Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒâ„¢Ã‚ ونÙÅ ½ Ø ¨Ãƒâ„¢Ã… ½ÃƒËœÃ‚ µÃƒâ„¢Ã‚ ÙÅ Ø ±Ãƒâ„¢Ã…’ And be steadfast in your prayer and pay charity; whatever good you send forth for your future, you shall find it with Allah, for Allah is well aware of what you do Moreover, the Noble Quran emphasizes the importance of Zakat as follows: By no means shall you attain righteousness, unless you give of that which you love RECIPIENTS OF ZAKAT Allah (S.W.T) has mentioned paying of Zakat on multiple occasions like. Zakat is for the poor and the needy and those who are employed to administer and collect it, and for those whose hearts are to be won over, and for the freeing of human beings from bondage, and for those who are overburdened with debts and for every struggle in Gods cause, and for the wayfarers: this is a duty ordained by God, and God is the All-Knowing, the Wise. According to the Noble Quran, the lawful recipients of Zakat must be Muslims who belong to either one or more of the eight categories: (1) The poor (2) The needy (3) Those whose hearts are to be reconciled (4) Securing the freedom of those who are captives (5) Those that are genuinely in debt (6) Muslim employees (7) Those who engage in the cause of Allah I (8) The wayfarers DEFINITION OF SADAQAH The word Sadaqah is derived from the Arabic root verb sadaqah which means to be truthful and hence Sadaqah implies engaging in any righteous act in order to earn the mardat (pleasure) of Allah. SOME RULES PERTAINING TO SADAQAH There are three basic rules involved for Sadaqah to be divinely rewarded. Firstly, it must be donated in the name of Allah alone. Secondly, all monies donated must be from a legitimate source. Money that has been stolen or earned unethically is rendered void by Allah . Thirdly, all excess wealth is seen being owned by Allah and Muslims hold the wealth as trustees. Therefore, it is left up to individual Muslims to determine as to how much they are willing to give back to Him in the form of charity. SOME MITIGATING CONSEQUENCES OF SADAQAH According to the teachings of Islam, the giving of Sadaqah serves a number of functions. First and foremost is the expiation of sins. The believers are asked to give Sadaqah immediately following any divine transgression. It also serves to compensate for any shortcoming in any past payment of Zakah. Moreover, it also gives protection against falling victim to calamities. Furthermore, it wards off affliction in this world, and punishment on Day of Judgment. It is therefore recommended to give Sadaqah, irrespective whether it is at night or during the day, in secret or in public in order to seek God Almightys pleasure (Al-Baqarah, 2:274). Finally, it is generally believed that the constant giving of a little charity pleases God Almighty more than the occasional giving of much charity. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ZAKAT AND SADAQAH It is important to differentiate between Zakat and Sadaqah. Zakat is the obligatory annual almsgiving which is determined on the basis of the value of ones wealth. Sadaqah on the other hand is superogatory charity, given by Muslims over and above their Zakat contribution. Moreover, every Muslim irrespective of his/her financial status can in actual fact participate in Sadaqah in view of the fact that Sadaqah is not necessarily restricted to monetary contributions, but can also be given in kind as specified in the Noble Quran, for example, feeding the poor (69:34; 90:11-16; 107:1-3), extending any form of support to the orphans (17:34; 76:8; 89:17; 90:15; 93:9, 107:2) and widows, advising or counselling, and volunteering ones services in the community. CONCLUSION Thus charity, on a generic level, plays a major role in Muslim society. One of the key purposes of the religion is grounded in a sense of community, which is fostered by charity. The Noble Quran reassures those who engage in voluntary charity would be amply rewarded: Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord: On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. From the Islamic point of view, wealth belongs to God and is held by human beings in trust; so for those whom Allah has blessed with wealth, it is a test; and Muslims should strive to pass this test by not becoming worshipers of hoarded wealth. They should rather use the wealth only in ways God has permitted and realize that the amount to be given is not really their money but, rather, it belongs to those who have less than they do. Islamic charity is one of those unique forms of worship that bring out both the individual and the social aspects of ibada worship. Consider its sociopolitical effects: it frees society from the ill feelings arising out of class hatred. It opposes an individualism that is blind to the travails of ones neighbors and stands against a socialism that shackles individual freedom. It fosters neither selfishness nor renunciation. It also strengthens a sense of brotherhood and establishes social cohesion. Islamic charity represents the unbreakable bond between members of the community, whom Prophet Mohammed described as like the organs of the body, if one suffers then all others rally in response. We are fortunate to have sufficient means to live a quality life, but there are millions of people who are less fortunate than ourselves. Many millions of children, women and men live in abject poverty. Things that we take for granted-regular meals, housing, education and healthcare-are considered luxuries in some of the worlds poorest countries. It is our duty to help them-because helping the poor and destitute is emphasized again and again in the Quran and in the other Holy Scripts and traditions. By working together we can help make a real difference and bring about positive change to many peoples lives. The rewards for being charitable are also manifold: charity purifies our wealth and God has promised us a great reward for being charitable towards our fellow human beings.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Reward Strategy: Reasons and Perspectives Essay
Modern business environment is famous for various new trends. An environment where the businesses used to hire employees for the sake of monetary benefits only is now changed in multi dimensional and multi pronged environment. Now business are not run for the sake of money and short term financial benefits only but for a long time sustainable growth and development. Now the only focus of all business is customer and Customer Satisfaction. This Customer Satisfaction (CS) cannot be achieved without proper involvement of internal customers i. e. , employees. Companies start their business philosophy from their main goals or objectives and make clear statements showing their mission and values. All lateral developments are performed on the basis of these predetermined values. Modern businesses focus only on customer satisfaction and this is the core concept of business as well. Who is Responsible for Customer Satisfaction? Now question is the responsibility of achieving customer satisfaction without any failure. Many plans are made for wining customer satisfaction, but all would be failure if company is not sure about the persons, method and tactics of achieving customer satisfaction. Whole management and its team is responsible for achieving business results so is the customer satisfaction. Modern management has no doubt in it that customer satisfaction can only be achieved if all employees regardless their departments work hard to satisfy customer. Conclusion is all employees are responsible for achieving and maintaining customer satisfaction on long term basis. How would Employees work for Achieving Customer Satisfaction? Employees are important for achieving customer satisfaction then the responsibility comes how these employees should work for achieving high standards of customer satisfaction? It’s an open secret that employees mainly intend to work for the physical work giving to them according to their job description. Though companies make different efforts to ensure quantitative and qualitative efforts to ensure performance of employees but there is not specific way to know how do employees behave and work for achieving customer satisfaction. As per Hertz Berg’s two factor motivation theory, people treat salary and working environment as routine requirement of their jobs and don’t fee motivated on the basis of nominal salaries. For doing something extra, they need motivation and for motivation they need to be given something extra by the employer. To overcome problems and obstacles on their way to customer satisfaction, companies design a special approach to involve employees into their challenging task of customer satisfaction. Reward Strategy Why do people work is the question often answered differently by all respondents. Few people surely confirm the cause of their work, mostly are trapped in wordy reasons like, just to make my life comfortable, to earn my livelihood, to support my family, to spend my spare time or to establish myself. Business psychologists still fail to understand the only common reason among people who work at different places. Similar to the concepts of employees, business researchers and scholars are also divided on certain human needs and employees’ concern bout growth. But all researchers and business psychologists are of the opinion that rewards really award. If you give rewards to your employees reward, they will award business with better results. Various rewards to employees make different behavioural and motivational changes in their personalities. Almost modern business and non-business organizations believe in good reward system that would base on financial compensation or Remuneration, certain benefits regardless their job hierarchy and business status, and perquisites of different types based on hierarchy. These three factors make the most successful blend of modern reward package. As such package is a motivating blend of financial and non-financial benefits, this suites majority of people.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Global Poverty and Cultural Issues Essay
Poverty has been a pervasive phenomenon in the world. Hunger, high level of illiteracy, high rates of child morality to mention but a few, all have characterized poverty. In response to fight against poverty, several strategies have been developed globally to help improve the quality of human living which have had different impacts on social, economic and political spheres. The purpose of this presentation is it to discuss the global poverty in the context of globalization, the role played by international monetary agencies in addressing this issue and the resulting effects on culture. Global poverty It has been found that almost half of the people in the world are living on less than $2. 50 in a day and more than eighty percent of the world’s population live in the countries which have a widening income difference. This is reflected by the fact that forty percent of the poorest of the world’s population account for only five percent of the global income while twenty percent of the richest people account for three quarters of the whole world income (Wilson, pp 172). In level of literacy, it has been found that close to one billion people have stepped in twenty first century unable to read a book or even be able to sign in their names (Birdsall, Kelley and Sinding pp 153). Approximately forty million people are living with HIV/AIDS and about five hundred million cases of malaria are witnessed every year. Africa has the highest percentages of these cases and deaths. In the developing countries majority of people do lack adequate access to clean and safe water and still a greater portion lack basic sanitation. Children who are born, one billion live in poverty while about six hundred and forty millon children live without adequate shelter while about four hundred million children lack access to safe water. In rural areas three out of four people are found to earn less than $ 1 and the same proportion of the world population is malnourished. The growth of slums is at alarming rate where out of half of world’s population living in cities and towns, one out of three urban dwellers lives in slum conditions (Otlin, pp67-69). Globalization and Poverty Reduction The term globalization refers to a process of interaction and integration that involves different groups such people, government of different nations and companies. It is driven by international trade and investment and is aided by information technology. It has caused significant effects on culture, environment, political systems, economic development and human physical well being of many societies around world (Lawig, pp15). The ideology of globalization has been made effective by policies that have paved way to economies both locally and internationally. The world has become a global village. Commodities which had been earlier confined in one part of the world are now available across the globe. Both goods and people can reach destinations in a relative short time due to improved infrastructure. Also, work can be outsourced from any part of the world provided there is internet connectivity. Apart from policies, technology has been the great driver of globalization. Information technology has also become an important tool for identifying and perusing economic opportunities in the fastest rate possible in addition to more informed economic trends analysis. In the context of global poverty, globalization is considered to be an approach to boost the poor countries and their citizens to develop economically and improve their living standards. Free trade creates new opportunities for new investments, jobs and enhances more efficient way in resources use that in turn increases productivity. Liberalization of capital flows enables greater access to external resources needed to finance investments. Besides this, foreign direct investment do encourage the transfer of technology , easy accessibility to a wider range of better quality of goods at competitive prices in addition to managerial expertise and skills (Niggle, pp 22-24). World Bank and IMF The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are main international financial institutions in the world. In Africa for example, they are the major sources that provide financial support. Over the past the poorest countries in Africa have often turned to World Bank and IMF to request for financial support due to their impoverished situation. To be able to implement this, these agencies have Structural Adjustment Programs/Policies (SAPs). These are economic policies that must be followed by any country that is in need of their loans. These policies in many countries, they have common principles such as export led growth, privatization, liberalization and efficiency of the free market (Winter, pp36). Structural Adjustment Programs demands the countries to devalue their currencies against the dollar. This helps to make goods cheaper for foreigners to buy. Also there is need for the government to balance their budgets and not to overspend, remove price controls and state subsides. Balancing national budgets usually should be through cutting government spending and usually not by raising taxes. The implication of this is deep cuts in government programs such as education, health, social care as well as removal of subsides that are aimed to control prices of basic necessities such as food. These SAPs often emphasis on production and exportation of primary commodities like tea and coffee for earning foreign exchange. However, in practice the Structural adjustment Programs have only result to escalating state of poverty in countries where they are implemented due to various reasons. First, privatization requires governments to sell off the enterprises to private owners and in many cases they are foreign investors. This result to lay-off and pay cuts for employee in these privatized organizations. Secondly, reduction in government spending results to reducing services to the poor especially the critical ones such as health and education. Thirdly, the promotion of exports by countries as required in SAPs is done at the expense of production for domestic needs. This is because the export orientation is often involved with displacement of people who grow food for their domestic own consumption because land is occupied by plantations for growing crops for foreign markets. The fourth factor is that increased interest rates that are recessionary are bound to affect national economies in that small businesses where women are the main actors find it hard to access to affordable credit which make it hard to survive. This leads to unemployment. Lastly, trade liberalization requires elimination of tariff protections for industries. When this happens in developing countries, it causes mass layoff of employees. For instance in Mozambique World Bank and IMF ordered for removal of export tax on cashew nut that caused about ten thousand workers to loose their jobs (Udayagiri & Walton, pp101-102). Effects of World Bank and IMF Aids on Zimbabwe: A Cultural Perspective Culture can be defined as the perspectives, practices and products of a social group. It is shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs and affective understanding that are acquired through socialization process. It is through these shared patterns that identify the members of a particular culture group and also it distinguishes those of another group. The following is a cultural perspective discussion on the effects of international monetary funds and globalization in Zimbabwe. Since Zimbabwe sought aid from IMF and World Bank and adopted their Structural Adjustment Programs, the situation has been deteriorating. The negative effects of Structural Adjustment Programs have not been felt on economy levels alone but also in the Zimbabwean culture. Zimbabwe was a choice in this presentation because of its current worrying socio-economic trends which have been catalyzed by high inflation rates than any other African country and has also witnessed tight IMF/World Bank screws (Mumbengegwi, pp 22-26) When IMF demanded adoption of SAPs by Zimbabwean government they were not tailored to address the local needs of common man. Rather they were in favor of foreign investors through trade liberalization. One of SAPs required Zimbabwe government to privatize state owned enterprises. This is culturally because most of Zimbabweans have been known, for instance, to be small-holder dairy farmers as their livelihood. As result of privatization, for instance of dairy cooperatives through floatation of share, majority of the farmer experienced a cultural crisis. This is because they were unable to continue with their selling of milk. They could no longer enjoy relatively cheap and affordable credit facilities as before making it impossible to continue with dairy farming. Also the issue of privatization provoked alterations in land tenure system. It has been a tradition to own land on communal basis as opposed to private land ownership. However, this tradition has been broken through issuing of freehold title to male landholders which never used to exist before. This anticipated productivity crisis particularly in farming system in many small scale commercial farming. SAPs had effect on the Zimbabwean culture of maize farming. Before implementation of SAPs in Zimbabwe, the country was used to grow maize in large scale which made it to have enough to feed its population and have stock piles. But due to the demands of World Bank and IMF for the country to be export oriented to increase if foreign exchange, it forced the country to sell all of its stockpiles in obedience. Due to unfavorable climatic conditions, now Zimbabwe does not have any maize reserves to feed it population as it was its culture. It now relies on importation which is scarcely enough to meet food needs of it starving citizens. Before, introduction of export-oriented concept in Zimbabwe, it practiced traditional farming that focused on growing of indigenous crops for local consumption. This has gradually phased out because of SAPs demand for growing crops that are export oriented. Instead of improving on indigenous crops that will enhance attainment of food sufficiency , community has ended up suffering from extreme hunger because growing the local foods have been abandon for cash crop growing. To facilitate cash crop growing, most of land was commercialized. This privatization and commercialization of land have suppressed women rights in regard to land control. In the past when communal land system was practiced, women had access and control over the land. But commercialization and privatization of the land in the country have adversely affected land rights of most of the women because they now have limited access and control of the land despite the fact that they are the main contributors in agricultural production (Wod, pp 122). World and IMF policies further demanded the Zimbabwean government to reduce its national budget by retrenching certain number of employees and strict wages control. In addition to this, it was expected to cut down social spending on health, health and public services and charge them some fee. To make matter worse apart from privatization of state owned enterprises, Value Added Tax was to be introduced. This resulted to high cost of living which altogether affected the normal way of living of Zimbabwean citizens. This led to high rate of unemployment. In response to this family ties started loosening as many men migrated in search for jobs causing increased rate of female headed household in the country which is contrary to existing culture. Thorough keen scrutiny, one would clearly see that globalization ideology is Structural Adjustment Policies in disguise. This is because it also lobbies for trade liberalization. Because the majority of Zimbabwe citizens are small scale entrepreneurs, trade liberalization has severely affected them. Women being the major actors in agriculture production, trade liberalization have failed them to acquire credit and other farming inputs because of their high cost. This has resulted to increased rural urban migration, great number of squatters in urban areas and high crime rate which has now become a new cultural phenomenon. There has been increased moral decay. Significant numbers of women have resorted to cross border trade whereby there have been several reported cases of extramarital affairs while the husbands who have been left at home indulge in the same (Schweiker, pp11). Children are no longer seen by fires side listening to counsel that instill values and norms that hold society together because every one is struggling for survival as living standard has skyrocketed in the country Conclusion World Bank and IMF policies have caused more evil than good in the countries which they have been implemented. SAPs have not been tailored to address the poverty situation in developing countries but are only to cater the interest of those formulated them. They do not attempt to address poverty using local context perspective but are generalized to favor the international corporations from developed countries. But because aid can not be given without compliance to these polices, the needy countries end up falling being their preys. Both SAPs and globalization is one and the same thing and their effects are not only felt in spheres of political or economies alone but also deeply felt at cultural sphere. Their effects alter practices and perspectives of community by imposing a change in tradition way of doing things and because of the essence for survival some practices are dropped while others are adopted to cope with the present challenges that are threat to human living such as hunger. References Birdsall, N. Kelley, A. 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Thursday, January 2, 2020
Capital Punishment and Redemption - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 780 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/03/05 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Capital Punishment Essay Did you like this example? Introduction In 2005, a man named Stanley Tookie Williams was sentenced to death by the State of California after being convicted of murdering four people. While waiting for his execution, Williams attempted to make amends by writing children’s books that warned about the dangers of gangs and violence. Because of these acts, many people believed that Williams’ sentence should be reduced to life in prison. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Capital Punishment and Redemption" essay for you Create order The governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, did not believe he truly regretted his actions, due to the fact that he laughed and bragged about the situation while on trial, and rejected his plea for clemency. Was the governor’s decision to execute Stanley Williams morally permissible? Should his attempts at redemption allow him to have a lesser sentence? It was morally right of Governor Schwarzenegger to uphold the decision to execute Stanley Williams. According to Social Contract Theory, the morally right action is the one that adheres to the set of rule a person has agreed to follow. In this situation, the United States Constitution is the social contract that governor Schwarzenegger had to abide by. Although it does not explicitly say what should be done in cases involving capital punishment, the eighth Amendment does ensure that a person cannot be deprived of their life, liberty, or property without a fair trail for the crime they are accused of. Williams was given a fair trial and he was found guilty. As a result, the state of California had the right to execute him. Even though he tried to amend his situation, it does not change the fact that he was convicted of four murders. If Governor Schwarzenegger had granted Williams’ plea for clemency, he would have broken the rules of the social contract. This could potentially cause other criminals on death row to do some sort of charity work with the motivation that they, too , could be given a lesser sentence. There is no room for exceptions in the social contract, so therefore no exception can be made for Stanley Williams. The Categorical Imperative states that right actions must be carried out regardless of what our particular wants or needs are. This concept plays a vital role in defining Kant’s form of ethics. Kant believed that there was a maxim, or rule, that could be applied to every situation. These rules are universal and indisputable. In regards to justice, Kant’s ethics believes that criminals should be given a punishment that is as severe as the crime they committed. With this knowledge, the conclusion can be drawn that the categorical imperative would not allow Governor Schwarzenegger to lessen Mr. Williams’ sentence. The punishment of life in prison is not equal to the crime of murdering four people. Furthermore, the categorical imperative does not believe that redemption is related to justice. The fact that Williams wrote books for children does not change the crime he committed, and therefore it should not change his sentencing. If Governor Schwarzenegger were to giv e Stanley Williams a less harsh punishment, he would be universalizing this action. As a result, all murderers who tried to seek redemption would be given life in prison instead of an execution. According to the text, Ethical Egoism is the moral theory that says that the right action is the one that produces the most favorable balance of good and evil for oneself. This means that in every situation, ethical egoists ask themselves which action will create the best outcome for them. Because ethical egoism is so individualized, it is impossible to state that all ethical egoists would agree with Governor Schwarzenegger’s decision to execute Stanley Williams. If an ethical egoist was living in California while the drama surrounding Mr. Williams unfolded, it can be assumed that this specific person would want him to be executed. They might think about how their safety would be compromised if Williams was allowed to live. There would be a chance, however slim, that Williams could escape from prison and terrorize citizens of California as he had before. They could also think about what impression the situation would leave on society. People could see this as an opportunity to act recklessly because they believe that they may not receive the full punishment. This would cause a serious strain on everyone in society, including the ethical egoist. Conclusion Because of Social Contract Theory, the Categorical Imperative, and Ethical Egoism, Governor Schwarzenegger’s decision to execute Stanley Williams was justified. Rules have been created for situations like this one, and if those rules are not followed, the consequences can be severe. The stability of society should not be compromised in order to cater to the wants of a single criminal.
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